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Green Cleaning Glass Storage Jars

Green cleaning glass storage jars. Keep your cleaning suppliers safe and sound. Jars come with secure lids.

Glass Storage Jar for Bicarbonate of Soda

Glass Storage Jar for Bicarbonate of Soda

Glass jar for storing your bicarbonate of soda on it's own.

Glass Storage Jar for Citric Acid

Glass Storage Jar for Citric Acid

Glass jar for storing your citric acid on it's own.

Glass Storage Jar for Percarbonate of Soda

Glass Storage Jar for Percarbonate of Soda

Glass jar for storing your percarbonate of soda on it's own.

Glass Storage Jar for Washing Soda Crystals

Glass Storage Jar for Washing Soda Crystals

Glass jar for storing your washing soda crystals on it's own.