Lemon essential oil can be refreshing for the mind, and sharpens concentration, so it is often preferred in room fresheners such as offices. It is believed that lemon essential oil can also boosts the immune system and cleanses the body.
Lemon essential oil is also typically used in everyday eco cleaning products such as kitchen sprays, window cleaners and much more.
Percarbonate of soda is a natural disinfectant and stain remover and replaces all "Oxy" products. The ingredients are derived from raw materials (salt, water and chalk). It's an excellent natural bleaching agent (oxygen bleach), stain remover (tea, coffee, red wine, fruit stains, blood, etc), softens water and tremendously increases the efficiency of cleaning products.
A non-bio laundry liquid is worth taking your clothes off for! It is a brilliant all-rounder that stands up to dirt and stains even on low temperatures, whilst being a big softie on your skin.
Citric acid is one of the commonest plant acids found in almost all fruit, wood and mushrooms.
It has a very wide range of uses from descaling, cleaning and dissolving limescale and is an excellent anti-oxidant.
Powerfully aromatic, try diluting a few drops of ylang ylang in a diffuser for a beautiful smell.