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Reasons Why You’re Aren’t Losing Belly Fat

Many people as they get older can suffer from a ‘beer belly’  or belly fat, which not only doesn’t look attractive but visceral fat that surrounds your organs can be a cause of heart disease and type two diabetes. So if you feel like you’re doing it right but not seeing the results, find out why.

1) Age

I know no one wants to grow up, but it is a part of life. And it is also a part of life where are body goes through changes, it changes how we gain and lose weight. So if you think you have gained weight with age, it isn’t something to worry about. However, if you still want to improve on your weight read on further for more information.

2) Fast Foods

Everyone knows that fast foods from restaurants are not the most healthy, so if you’re finding you’re ordering a takeaway each week or on your lunch break you’re tucking into a big mac, don’t be surprised when you start packing on the pounds are they contain fat which causes inflammation in our bodies. So instead of binging on these nasty takeaway foods, give your body the right foods which can help you live and feel amazing.  Read this article on how the right food can compliment your body.

3) Wrong workouts

To lose belly fat you have to be doing the correct exercises. So it’s all fair and well doing a spinning class or a yoga class, however this is not going to give you what you’re looking for. You should focus on core exercises which help shrink your stomach. So if you attend a gym ask a gym instructor which classes would be beneficial to you, or if you need any help or have queries please feel free to contact me via email.

4) Challenging workouts

If you feel like you aren’t exhausted after your workout, you’re probably not working hard enough or need to step it up a level. So ensure you’re doing high intensity workouts that can benefit your body so you’re able to lose that belly fat.

5) Stress

Many people don’t realise how much stress can affect your life in a whole. So if you’re feeling stressed out with; money, kids and deadlines it can make it much harder for you to feel motivated and dedicated to meet your goals. So stop worrying and relax then you might be able to reach your goals.

6) Sleep

Sleep is very important and just life stress can affect your life and performance levels. Having the right amount of sleep can make you feel positive and good about yourself, however if you’re having 5 or less hours of sleep a night you’re not able to focus or concentrate leading you to gain more body weight. So the key message is to have a good sleep at night, not only will you feel refreshed but you can start hitting your targets.

7) No motivation

Now this can be a lot of people’s problem. You may think about joining a gym, going on a run or attending the local zumba class, but do you actually do it? You need to pick yourself up and get yourself motivated as them pounds are going to shed themselves. This will raise your self esteem and you will start to see a difference when you’re doing more exercise.