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My Top Tips for a More Eco-friendly Summer

My 9 Tips for a More Eco-friendly Summer


  1. Use eco-friendly sunscreen - protecting our skin with sunscreen is something that we all need to do. Whilst it may protect you, most every day store bought sunscreens put coral reefs in danger. One drop of toxic sunscreen can harm marine life and coral reefs the size of six 25 meter swimming pools. There are now some great eco-friendly sunscreens available instead. Sunscreen such as the amazing Sol de Ibiza solid sunscreen come in a recyclable, reusable tin. Available in SPF 30 and SPF 50, it means that it’s suitable for the whole family.
  2. Heading out for a picnic with family and or friends, take your own picnic ware. Try to reuse what you already have. Disposable plates even paper ones require energy to be produced and trees to be cut down to be made. Disposable paper picnic ware also contributes to extra waste too. If you need to buy new ones, there are biodegradable plus reusable plates, utensils, cups and so on that are available. Swap plastic clingfilm for home compostable cling film or wax wraps. You can also get hold of paper sandwich bags too instead of plastic food bags. If you’re heading out with your own picnic, don’t forget to take a composable bin liner with you for all your rubbish.
  3. Shop for food locally - Eat healthily, save on emissions and help boost the local economy by using you local shops. With a great variety on our door step from your local eco-friendly refill shops, to green grocers, mini supermarkets and bakeries, there are so many choices available.  The school summer holidays are also upon us and if like me, you’ll need to keep the fruit bowl filled, fridge fuller and make more meals at home whether for picnics we have planned or just for day to day meals, then you can create a sustainable holiday meal plan which can be done by also also shopping at local farmers markets where you can grab a range of foods from meat to seasonal veggies, honey, eggs and much more. Shopping locally means a shorter food supply chain, this in turn has a lesser carbon footprint compared to imported processed foods. Buying locally grown food also helps our local community to save food from going to waste and you can reduce packaging by taking your own containers to be filled up.
  4. If like me you love being in the great outdoors but you’re not keen on midges, then did you know that you can make your own eco-friendly insect repellents? With just a mixture of apple cider vinegar, rubbing alcohol (isopropyl), citronella and lemongrass essential oil plus witch hazel too, you can make a perfect spray to carry around that will keep insects away from you and whilst not harming them too. Pop the mixture in a small suitable spray bottle and that’s all you need.  Spray it on your clothing and you’ll see that the insects will stay well away. I use a similar mix of water plus citronella, lemon and eucalyptus essential oils in my diffuser too in summer months to stop flies and little insects from out staying their welcome in the house. They just don’t like the smell so they’ll fly in through open windows and fly back out again.  
  5. Whilst the weather is lovely and warm, you may want to grab a train deal and head to the seaside, hit one of our local lakes for a little wild swimming or maybe you’d prefer to venture to one of many outdoor pools for a little outdoor swim. Remember to take and re-use your towels and beach towels. Alternatively if you find yourself needing to buy something new, then you’ve got the colourful and beautiful Dock and Bay towels or hair wraps made out of plastic bottles. They’re a great eco-friendly alternative.
  6. Don’t forget your sunglasses and flip flops too. With so many gorgeous sunglasses designs out there, if you are looking for a new pair, then grab yourself something a little different. You can get your hands on beautiful sunglasses made from recycled pure sustainable bamboo wood and even ones made using recycled plastic bottles for the frames. As well as these, you can also get your hands on gorgeous and colourful flip flops made using plastic that was once used for something else. Old plastic garden pots, plastic bags and bin liners can all be used to make recycled flip flops and other footware.  Old rubber is another recycled material that can be used to make comfortable and durable flip flops and there are so many other examples out there too. Choosing one of these great alternatives, means that you really can’t go wrong.
  7. When you’re heading out and about, don’t forget to grab your reusable water bottle. Stay hydrated on-the-go without contributing to plastic waste by carrying your own bottle with you. I particularly love my stainless steel water bottle that keeps my water cold for up to 24 hours. Save buying plastic and carry one with you wherever you go. There are a range of refill stations up and down the country too, in refill shops, at petrol stations, grocery shops and many more all of which will allow you to refill your water bottle on the go. My stainless steel water bottle is also an essential item when packing to go away on holiday. As a family we each have one and prefer to refill our bottle at our hotel and take it with us so we don’t need to buy plastic bottles when we are out on excursions. 
  8. Packing to go away on holiday? Whether you’re packing light for one with with just hand luggage or you’re heading away with the whole family, you can reduce the liquid items you take away with you. Swap liquid shampoo and conditioner for bars instead, travel light with toothpaste tablets and don’t forget your soap bar or if you prefer liquid shower gels then you can take your powdered shower gel pouches that you just need to remember to take an empty bottle for. Once at your holiday destination, add the shower gel powder to the empty bottle, add water, shake and that’s your liquid shower gel made up for your break away. 
  9. Growing up, shopping second hand was part of our routine as a family. As I grew up, I loved heading to charity shops and finding some amazing items that I could use straight away or alter in order to epicycle. Finding amazing bargains and goodies for a reduced price always puts a smile on my face and saves me money too. As well as our local second hand shops, we also have the options of using great online apps such as Vinted, Olio, Ebay, Gumtree and Facebook market place too. From summer essentials such as clothing, food and garden furniture, you can do a little bit more and help the environment by shopping second hand.